About us - More Information

All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd. (www.allinternetportals.com)

AllPersonalWebsites.com is a portal for personal websites / blogs where:

• An individual like you can have / create your own "ready-made" personal web-listing / blog simply by inputting text and upload images through an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) which will then be displayed on your personal listing page on AllPersonalWebsites.com.

• Except for the prohibition of posting contents with sexual, illegal and / or inappropriate content, etc, you have the flexibility to post any content about yourself, your family / relatives and / or people you know, and events, activities, happenings and contents you like that you would like the world at large to know.

• You can also get a personal website / blog with a separate domain name for a small annual fee. Thus, you need not spend much time, effort and / or money to create your own personal website / blog through market available "free" website builders which may not be so user-friendly to create a website.

Before you sign up or use this portal, please visit and read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By signing up for Free Trial account or / and subscribing to any of our Services, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

(Click on link at the bottom of the page to bring you to a contact form if you need to email us to make further enquiries. Alternatively, you can contact our marketing personnel whom you have first contact with, if any.)

Important Note: Please be informed that ALL PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS are ONLY found in www.allinternetportals.com/payment-instructions.html (CLICK on link to bring you to Payment Instruction page). Under NO circumstance will our company advise you to make payment in CASH or in other method of payment not already stated in the Payment Instruction page.

For individual who would like to have a personal listing page on this portal

Step 1: Go to User Sign Up page to register and sign up for a FREE TRIAL account. For the Free Trial account, you are allowed 1 concurrent active Listing per Free Trial account.

Step 2: Then log in to input text / upload images.

After you have logged into the Content Management System (CMS) area, you can find out for yourself how easy it is to use our user-friendly (with simple notes / instructions to guide you along) CMS. If you still encounter any problem, please click on link at the bottom of the page to bring you to a contact form if you need to email us.

Once you have done the above, your content (information / text / images) that you have input / upload will be displayed in your personal Listing page in AllPersonalWebsites.com.

If you also subscribe to our service of creating your own personal website / blog with separate domain name, you ONLY have to input your text / upload images ONCE and your text / images will be displayed on your personal Listing page on AllPersonalWebsites.com as well as your own personal website / blog with a separate domain name that you have selected / purchased.

Please see sample Personal Listing page - Click Here

For individual who would ALSO like to have your own personal website / blog (with separate domain name)

Step 1: Go to User Sign Up page to register and sign up for a FREE TRIAL account.

Step 2: Log in to input text / upload images.

(If you have already done Step 1 and 2 and have a personal listing on AllPersonalWebsites.com, ignore Step 1 and 2).

Step 3: Purchase a domain name of your own choice from any domain names service company that you know of.

To make it easier / faster for us to link your domain name (for your own business / company website (with separate domain name)), we suggest you
CLICK HERE to purchase domain name(s) from our tie-up with GoDaddy.com (the world's leading domain registrar).

Note: You do not have to buy web hosting service when you purchase domain name.

*** Step 3 or 4 are interchangeable. You can also choose to do Step 4 first then Step 3.

Step 4: Make payment for service to provide personal website / blog with separate domain name and then email us your domain name.

To make payment, click on: www.allinternetportals.com/payment-instructions.html for payment instructions.

We will then email you some simple instructions to link / bind your domain name.

Please see sample Personal Website / BlogClick Here

From sample Personal Website / Blog, you can see that you:
• can input your image, website / blog name, header tagline in the header section.
• can input general description of yourself in various sections like “About Me”, “Personal Life”, “Work Life” and “Education” which will appear at the bottom of your website / blog.
• can input your own postings with your own post title(s) and content (text, images and image slider) of your own liking.

Thus, you can see that, except with a few limitations, you can design your own personal website / content (text and images) and your website will look different from even other websites created through AllPersonalWebsites.com.

Important Notes:
a. www.AllInternetPortals.com is our SOLE and ONLY company website. Please do not go to any other website for payment instructions.
b. Please note purchase price of Domain Name is not included in the first / annual year fee. Payment is made to a third party domain names service company.

Subscription / Pricing

Free Trial Account
To create your personal Listing page on AllPersonalWebsites.com, just sign up for FREE TRIAL Account. Free Trial available for a limited period only. We will provide you with at least a 3-month notice period before the end of your Free Trial period.

Personal website / blog with separate domain name
If you want to have personal Listing on AllPersonalWebsites.com PLUS personal website / blog with separate domain name, our introductory price for the first year is $99 per year (translates to $8.25 per month).

This introductory price is available to subscribers who signed up for this service of personal website / blog with separate domain name before 31st March 2017**.

To encourage and reward loyal early-bird subscribers, in addition to introductory price of $99, we will ALSO offer you a $33 discount voucher** to offset your 2nd year subscription fee for the service of personal website / blog with separate domain name on / through AllPersonalWebsites.com. That means whatever the 2nd year subscription fee is when you renew, you will enjoy an additional $33 discount compared to what other (non-early bird) subscribers will pay.

To keep our prices attractive and competitive, we only liaise with you through email support. We do make some exceptions to contact you by telephone if circumstance so required.

Advertising Spaces
AllPersonalWebsites.com has many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this website / portal. Please click on link below to contact / email us for more information and pricing.

**Subject to changes. Terms and Conditions for introductory price and discount voucher apply.

Contact Us

AllPersonalWebsites.com is an internet portal of All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd.

Click on www.AllInternetPortals.com to find out more about other internet portals and corporate website design / content writing services by All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd.

If you have been contacted / approached by one of our marketing personnel, you can call / contact him / her for further enquiries. Otherwise, please click on link below to contact / email us and we will get in touch with you shortly.

For enquiries on www.AllPersonalWebsites.com, click here to go to Contact Form on our corporate website to contact / email us.